At the Judy Bede Studio, the focus is on providing an encouraging, enjoyable atmosphere that will stimulate the development of the students' musical abilities and personal character.
Music Goals:
Character Goals:
Researchers and educators have further found that music lessons provide these benefits:
Music Goals:
- Proficiency on the instrument
- Good posture and efficient relaxed technique
- Development of a sensitive, musical ear
- Production of beautiful tone
- Memorization
- Love for making music
Character Goals:
- Confidence
- Perseverance
- Self-esteem
- Concentration
- Self-discipline
- Goal Setting
Researchers and educators have further found that music lessons provide these benefits:
- Development of parts of the brain involved in language and reasoning
- Improvement in mathematics
- Self-expression
- Spatial intelligence (ability to perceive the world accurately and form mental pictures)
- Creative thinking and problem-solving
- Study skills